this past month i showed a collection inspired by the two disney movies "the little mermaid" and "peter pan".
the show was a great success!
the collection featured the following models wearing an outfit i both designed and constructed inspired by characters from the movies:
Ariel- Erika Conaway
Sebastian- Erin Long
Flounder- Catharine Kuntz
Scuttle- Nalani Warling
Triton- Elena Nickle
Prince Eric- Josie McManus
Ursula- Kirsten Salpini
Peter Pan- Aaren Keith
Tinkerbell- Lauren Monteleone
Wendy- Sarah Sesler
John- Angela Winslow
Michael- Mallory Keene
Tigerlily- Vassiliki Ellwood
Mr.Smee- Erika Peckhardt
Cpt. Hook - Alexandria Skaltsounishere's a group shot of me and my girls before the show:

and here's a shot of eveyrone after the finale:
(with everyone in the outfits they walked the runway in!)
from left to right; sebastian, ariel, wendy, flounder, peter, eric (hiding behind peter), michael, myself & ursula, VASSILIKI as tigerlily, john upfront, scuttle, king triton at the back, tinker bell and hook, and mr.smee on the end!i love all of my girls so much! they all chipped in and got me a gift card to the fabric store which vassiliki gave to me with a card she hand made and had all of the girls sign:

i'm in the process of making a fashion reel, so stay tuned!
for now i leave you with some backstage shots taken by the lovely
scuttle, triton, sebastian, ursula, ariel, eric, flounder
aaren keith as peter pan and vassiliki as tigerlily
the darling siblings! john, michael and wendy!
shoes! "let's get some shoes...."